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International Ministers Fellowship

Welcome to

International Ministers Fellowship (UK) webpage! 


We are grateful to God Almighty for the opportunity to know, love and serve Him in the various capacities as a growing network of ministers across the United Kingdom! It does not matter how long you have been in ministry or even if you are just interested in finding out/fulfilling your calling; there is something of benefit to all! 


We appreciate the genuine faith, love and labour of the Global Governing Council, the United Kingdom Advisory Council, Executive Committee and visionaries 

who conceived, birthed and continue to nurture International Ministers Fellowship! We are also grateful that you found us! 

It is our prayer and hope that you will find the website useful and make contact with us! 


International Ministers Fellowship offers those who are called to serve God a platform and framework for personal development, practical enhancement, mutual accountability and support to enable each one fulfil our God given assignments in spite of challenges or hurdles that come along our ways! We celebrate the diversity of gifts in the unity of the Spirit and foster the bond of peace.

We challenge one another to inculcate sacrifice and uncompromising excellence in serving God, developing and maintaining healthy family relationships, empowering the next generation, developing God's flock to maturity and releasing the them into their calling and stirring our hearts to the personal study of God's Word and prayer.


Through the global network, we are able to respond to the needs of our generation and the next by the leading of the Holy Spirit! We thank God for our global annual conference "Open Gates" that takes place in the 2nd weekend of January each year! The prophetic gathering with members of our families from all over the world under the covering of the Holy Spirit strategically positions and empowers for each year! No two years have been the same as the Lord's servants individually & corporately minister with grace and uncommon unction. Please visit Open Gates page for details.


Each Directorate within the Executive Committee has something unique to offer you and by God's grace, each of our monthly meetings will enhance your experience and expectations in God. Please make the contact or join us at one of the fellowship meetings on 2nd Saturday of each month!


God bless


Dupe Adefala

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