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​Our Core Values

The Vision | Unique in a number of aspects

The International Ministers Fellowship is unique in a number of respects.

Firstly, it is inclusive, embracing senior and younger ministers of the gospel, male and female with a felt need to encourage one another to make pursuit of holiness a prime pursuit.


Secondly, it breaks down standard walls that divide the Body of Christ as members cut across denominational barriers, united by faith in Christ Jesus, purity of life and dependency on the Holy Spirit for empowerment.












Thirdly, IMF does not charge any affiliation fees. Members support the network, as they are led, through love offerings and free will endowments.


Fourthly, members are free to belong to other fellowships /networks they deem beneficial to achievement of their ministerial mandates.


Fifthly, the Fellowship shall encourage its members to make their lives and those of the flock of Jesus Christ committed unto their trust, the light and salt of their communities; to stand out for righteousness and contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints .
















Sixthly, the Fellowship shall proactively engage with other Christian organizations to ensure unity of the spirit in the bond of peace so that the High Priestly intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ shall be a reality without compromising the essentials of the gospel.
( Ephesians 4: 1-7, John 17 to attain Ephesians 5:26,27). Accordingly, the Fellowship will encourage all Christian ministries and organizations in the country to prayerfully define essentials or fundamentals of the faith to which all must subscribe in perfect unity; ascertain those issues to which preachers are at liberty to propound their perspectives, insights and revelations received.


Seventh, the Fellowship offers its members a clear win-win supra platform where they are able to exchange information on programmes and projects and support each other. We are all blessed as we bless each other in love and sincerity!



Our Core Offers

International Ministers Fellowship concentrates on the following core offerings:

  • Provide spiritual support  that enable members to excel in life and ministry by challenging them to live  holy lives, as part of the Bride of Christ and  keep heaven in constant view so that they will not be castaways after ministering to others

  • Provide members a process of continuing ministerial education through a regular school of ministry where they tap into the depth of wisdom available for all.

  • Provide resources to members at minimal or no cost such as books, CDs, DVDs, Cassettes, magazines, information, etc.

  • Network ministers of the gospel with each other across racial, ethnic, denominational and geographic boundaries to create the spiritual synergy needful to positively impact cities, nations and regions. IMF has become a powerful tool of achieving our Acts 1:8 mandate as it equips ministers travelling to cities, nations and regions other than their own with contacts and recommendations that enable them to be received and assisted on their missions. Pulpits are thus exchanged seamlessly without fear as all members subscribe to the same basic code of conduct.

  • The network runs an information network through which members are able to know the gifts and callings of each other. By tapping into the divine resources represented by different callings and gifting, ministers are able to build stronger and more effective churches according to Ephesians 4: 7-16.

  • The network provides a platform for younger ministers to receive clean, honest mentoring by elder ministers endowed with grace of fatherhood.

  • For ministers who have not been ordained, the Fellowship provides ordination.

  • For ordained ministers, IMF provides ministerial licences. For those travelling to other cities or nations, the Fellowship provided recommendations. Ministers in need of attestations/references can look up to the Fellowship to fill this need.

  • The network provides the platform for ministers, ministries and churches within The same localities/boroughs to cooperate, pool resources together for reaching the un reached and community impact projects. The Lord has revealed that this is a key strategy for bringing this nation back to Christ.

  • International Ministers Fellowship will partner with any ministers/ministries or organizations that promotes the teaching and practice of holiness, church health Church growth and corporate evangelism.

  • International Ministers Fellowship members are constrained to do all within their God given ability to be a blessing to others in need; support the weak and build up the Body without pecuniary motives. Strong inter personal relationships and mutual support is thus encouraged.

  • The Fellowship shall organise conferences at such intervals and in such locations as are deemed beneficial to the membership. We shall freely share every information, which will bless our brethren in fulfilling their God given vision.


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