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Global Executive Council

The Executive Committee |2014 inauguration in pictures


This shall be made up of ministers elected by the Holy Spirit to direct affairs of   the   Fellowship to ensure attainment of its purposes. Though assigned specific portfolios, the Executive shall operate as a core group and act in unity according to 1 Corinthians 1:10.

Pastor Dupe Adefala

The President.


This officer shall model servant leadership of the Fellowship and in so doing

  • Chair meetings of the Executive Committee, the General Congress and other meetings other than the Advisory Council.

  • Coordinate the work of   all the officers and organs to ensure synergy

o   Act as official spokesman of the Fellowship

o   Provide spiritual leadership and direction

o   Ensure that all the objects of the Fellowship are attained.

o   Embody biblical leadership principles and motivate all officers to follow

Apostle Sunday & Pastor Gladys Iyi

Vice President and Director, Prayer and Spiritual Warfare: 


This officer shall be responsible for

  • Stoking the fire of prayer amongst members of the fellowship through 

  • a variety of media  including the Internet, prayer   sessions of Fellowship meetings, telephony, text messages, etc.

  • Conducting prayer and spiritual warfare training sessions for intercessors and prayer warriors of member churches

  • Design and oversee implementation of a prayer and spiritual warfare shield for members of the Fellowship; the Body of Christ in the area, the government and civil society including  issues of public safety and the making and implementation of just  laws.

  • Chair the International Prayer and Spiritual Warfare Network

  • Ensure effective networking with other Kingdom prayer movements.

  • Perform other responsibilities as may be assigned by the President.

Evan. Ross & Rebecca Monioro

Director, Business, Professional and Public Affairs Network


This officer shall have specific responsibility forAdvancing the concept of priesthood of all believers in the Fellowship

  • Encourage members of the Fellowship

to train, equip and release brethren in their churches into productive ministry

  • Provide a platform for business, professional people and public servants such as Christians in politics, councillors, Members of Parliament to be trained to understand that they are on divine assignment as ministers in the market place

  • Chair the Business, Professional and Public Affairs network through which brethren of such standing from various churches pool their strength together to have a distinct voice and make maximum impact

  • Perform such other functions as delegated by the President

Pastors Charles &

Anne-Marie Amaka Olisanekwu,

The Secretary General
This officer shall be responsible for
  • Recording proceedings of various organs of the Fellowship

  • Ensure proper safekeeping of all documents of the Fellowship

  • Assist the President to coordinate the various organs of the Fellowship

  • Assist the President to ensure adequate membership services is rendered
  • Maintain a working register of all registered members with such information as are considered necessary to give them adequate service.

  • The Secretary General shall be a trustee of the Fellowship

  • The Secretary General shall be a signatory to accounts of the Fellowship

  • The Secretary General shall assist the President to oversee the secretariat and ensure adequate human and material resourcing of all officers and organs of the Fellowship by providing what they need to excel.

  • Organise an integrated calendar of annual conventions of members so that clash of dates and events are avoided.

Pastors Thomas & Eunice Alamu,

Director, Family Development


This officer shall have specific responsibility forMaking the family a prime concern of   members of the Fellowship.

  • Receiving revelation concerning 

the subject matter and sharing same with the Body of Christ.

  • Conducting research into the subject matter for the benefit of the Body

  • Convening, with the approval of the Executive Committee, special meetings and conferences on family matters including knowing the will of God, courtship, marriage, parenting and ministerial family life.

  • Chair the Marriage & Family First working group of the Fellowship

  • Execute other responsibilities assigned by the President.

Pastor Uzo & Mrs Sylvia Nwoke

Director, Church Growth


This officer shall have specific responsibility for

  • Fanning the flame of revival amongst membership of the Fellowship

  • Keeping members of the Fellowship in full consciousness of the primacy of the Great Commission

  • Conducting training and impartation sessions for evangelists, ministers and members of their evangelism teams

  • Chair the Church Growth working group of   the Fellowship

  • Coordinating group evangelistic campaigns/crusades in various boroughs across the nation through which multitudes stream into the Counties

  • Perform such other functions as delegated by the President.

Pastors Shola & Alfred Ogbajie,

Director, Women In Ministry


This officer shall have responsibility for

  • Chairing the Women In Ministry working group that will constantly develop actionable, biblical concepts for

 ensuring that the priesthood of all believers and the endowment of power upon prepared vessels both of which occur in the realm of the spirit, irrespective of gender, is constantly kept in the public domain so that the Body of Christ sets aside traditions of men and remove all limits to women in ministry.

  • Through the Women in Ministry working group, she will organise various educative and enlightenment programmes designed to equip them for ministry and excel in their lives, families and callings.

  • Ensure that women who are called to ministry receive practical encouragement, support   and assistance to yield to God.

  • Ensure that women in ministry   love, appreciate and strengthen each other

  • Ensure that a calendar of various women events in the country is produced and circulated to avert clash of events/dates and that female ministers in the fellowship participate in events organised by various women ministries connected with IMF or which the Fellowship connects with.

  • Organise retreats, seminars and conferences for women in ministry

  • Perform other responsibilities assigned by the President

Pastors Johnson & Edith Gbagbo

Director of Special Duties


This officer shall be responsible for

  • Performance of special assignments   in the Fellowship

  • Develop and advise on strategies for fulfilling the mandate of the fellowship 

  • and examine legal implications of Fellowship projects

  • Undertake assignments such as liaison with external bodies

  • Property acquisition and or development/redevelopment

  • Liaison with special interest groups, other networks and kingdom oriented organisations the Fellowship should relate with.

  • Perform other functions as may be assigned by the President.

Pastor Charles & Mrs Gervis Mensah,


Pastor Richard & Mrs Korley, 


Pastor Mudiaga & Minister Helen Fashe,

Director, Next Generation Project: 


This officer shall have responsibility for

  • Chairing the Next Generation Project 

and to develop strategies for engaging youths born of Christian and ministerial homes with the faith of their parents in other to secure a godly leadership for the next generation. The committee will also explore ways and means that the full Gospel can be preached to reach youths of the nation irrespective of their colour or background.

  • Lead the IMF effort to embrace and encourage young ministers to take their rightful place in the on emergent revival.

  • Enable young ministers to find acceptance and support within the Fellowship

  • Ensure that the Fellowship is youth friendly.

  • Constantly remind ministers to invest in the next generation in their churches and the community.

  • Organize various programmes designed to empower youths in the Body of

  • Christ and communicate with them through retreats, conferences, Internet,

  • podcasts, literature, CDs, DVDs, etc.

  • Provide research reports and proposals to local and national governments

  • Perform such other responsibilities as may be assigned by the President.

Pastor Brian Clem & Nkechi Okeoma

Director of Communication


This officer shall be responsible for

  • Designing a communication strategy for various arms of the Fellowship relating with the public

  • Design and execute various promotional and marketing strategies for

  • selling the Fellowship to its stakeholders

  • Develop rapport with the mass media and ensure effective liaison

  • Advise the Fellowship on sponsorship opportunities

  • Ensure that the Fellowship develops and maintain a 'house style' for easy identity.

  • Oversee the website, newsletter, TV/Radio and other media outlets.

  • Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the President.

Pastor Emmanuel Omah, 


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