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Purity (Please Read & Study)!

Ask a Dove (the only bird of the avian world permitted for sacrifice under the OT dispensation-Leviticus 1:14-17/12:8) to alight on anything unclean like a carcass and it would plainly refuse!

Remember the account of a dove sent by Noah to check on the receding waters of the Flood, which came back to him, without landing on the defiled carrion?

Contrast this attitude with that of the raven sent at that time. As it did not have natural revulsion for anything unclean, it did not come back (Genesis 8:7-9), instead without any doubt it would have feasted on the floating carcasses’.

If we have been cleansed by the atoning blood of Christ and if the Holy Ghost is a holy and a permanent guest in our lives, then naturally as one wise soul put it “WE WOULD BECOME ALLERGIC TO WHAT WE WERE ADDICTED TO (SIN) AND WE WOULD BECOME ADDICTED TO (HOLINESS) WHAT WE WERE ALLERGIC TO”.

Doves, say the avian scientists are also strictly monogamous birds. Once a Dove chooses its mate…till death do us part…sacred vow comes into effect immediately. The one man, one wife principle set in motion in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:21-24) encapsulating sexual purity, subsequent to the Fall operated sadly only in fits and starts in OT era (Issac and Rebaccah were an honourable exception).

Quite fittingly, we see the Holy Spirit also working only in fits and starts in the OT era, equipping people for a special assignment here… a distinctive work there and nothing more! Simply put, the Holy Ghost was never permanent resident in the OT era. It is only in the NT dispensation what with the arrival of Holy Spirit imminent on the Pentecostal day, do we see the urgency to restore the pristine purity in the conjugal relationship (Matt 19:8-11/Mark 10:6-12/Luke 16:18).

In the Early Church age, the apostles followed suit adhering to the Master’s command, whilst teaching on the subject of marital fidelity (I Cor 7:10-11/I Tim 3:2). How true then “in the heart of holy marriage lies the holiness of the heart, made holy by the Holy Spirit”!

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