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Launching out; Facing Challenges!

IMF June - Bishop Stafford Nwaogu (IMF Global Advisory Council Member) It is time for Christians to Rise Up & Launch Out as God originally intended. We are up against Muslims who have decided to do everything that Christians do. Muslims in Nigeria now do crusades, night vigils and anointing Service. Muslims can plan for 50years and maintain continuity because they are not 'seeking individual names'; everyone is set to contribute to the larger vision! We don't plan & when we plan, it is short term. For example, Muslims put young souls into positions that offer them opportunity to grow through the ranks to ensure that their program are carried out. In the US, Muslims have planted their own in the judicial system in order to change the law. In a country like Nigeria, the SouthEast will appoint people who are ready to retire as 'compensation'! They occupy the office without making any impact! Let us explore, how one man with vision overcame a national challenge. 1 Samuel 13:19-23 & 14 In a whole nation, only 2 people had swords! They did not learn how to be a smith! They only went to the Philistines to sharpen their tools. That is the unfortunate case of many believers- living on 'borrowed strength!' We can't continue this way. This explains why some of us are overwhelmed & stuck! The Israelites were hiding; but Jonathan had to start something! If you don't start, start will not start! Jonathan separated himself from his father and routine & took his armour bearer! It is time to move forward! Just like nobody knew that God could make a difference through lepers! It took lepers to go to the enemies camp! God is not restrained to save by few or many! Only 2 men faced the garrison of Philistines while only one of them had a sword! He prepared his 'colleague' for possible outcomes by suggesting what could happen and defined the meaning. Do we test our missions & project to see if God's hand is in it? In spite of great strategies, things don't just happen. It takes the 'hand' of God for things to happen! If God is not in anything, there is no hope for success; when He is in it, failure is not an option! One with God will always be a majority! God is always a winner! When you face your challenges, have it in mind that God is with you & God will be present with you! "Don't hesitate to move!" "Don't look at their faces!" Thank God we don't move by sight but by faith! You may not see the wind or the cloud but God will send the rain!

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